Mitzvot Associated With the Land of Israel in Parshat Mishpatim
Parshat Mishpatim contains a variety of laws that cover a wide range of topics, from civil and criminal law to laws about property, slavery, and lending. However, there is one particular aspect of these laws that is particularly significant for Jews living in the diaspora: the mitzvot that can only be fulfilled in the land of Israel.
In Exodus 23:31-33, God tells Bnei Yisrael that they must not make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land of Canaan, and they must not let them dwell in the land, lest they make them sin against God. This is followed by a list of commandments that can only be fulfilled in the land of Israel, including the mitzvot of offering sacrifices, observing the shmita (sabbatical) year, and the yovel (jubilee) year, and bringing the first fruits of the land to the Temple.
Shmita is still kept today in Israel - last year was a shmita year. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see Torah laws in action - but only if you are living in Israel!
These mitzvot serve as a reminder of the unique relationship between the Jewish people and the land of Israel. They are not just a set of laws to be followed, but they also represent a deep spiritual connection to the land that has been a central part of Jewish identity for thousands of years.
Of all the mitzvot that can only be fulfilled in the land of Israel, perhaps the most significant is the mitzvah of living in Israel. While it is not explicitly mentioned in Parshat Mishpatim, it is a mitzvah that is deeply connected to the laws and commandments that are discussed in this parsha. Living in Israel is not just a personal choice, but it is also a fulfillment of God's plan for the Jewish people to dwell in the land that He promised to them.
The mitzvah of living in Israel is not just about physical location, but it is also about spiritual fulfillment. When a Jew lives in Israel, they are fulfilling a deep yearning that has been a part of Jewish identity for centuries. They are living in a place that is holy and sacred, and they are surrounded by the spiritual energy that comes from being in the land of Israel.
The Parsha then goes on to mention several blessings that the Jewish people can receive while living in the land of Israel. One of the key blessings mentioned in this section is the promise of agricultural abundance. God promises to bless Bnei Yisrael with a plentiful harvest, abundant produce, and healthy livestock if they follow His commandments and worship Him alone. This promise is particularly significant for the agricultural society that Bnei Yisrael lived in at the time, and it continues to be relevant today as Israel is known for its innovative agricultural practices and successful agricultural industry.
Another blessing mentioned in this section is the promise of peace and security in the land. God promises to protect Bnei Yisrael from their enemies and establish their borders so that they can live in safety and security. This promise of peace is particularly poignant given the many conflicts and struggles that the Jewish people have faced throughout history, and it continues to be relevant today as Israel remains surrounded by hostile neighbors and ongoing threats.
Parshat Mishpatim reminds us of the unique connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel. The mitzvot that can only be fulfilled in the land serve as a reminder of the spiritual significance of this connection, and the mitzvah of living in Israel is a fulfillment of God's plan for the Jewish people to dwell in the land that He promised to them.
אם תירצו, אין זו אגדה!
If you will it, it is no dream
Clearly, the land of Israel is the only place for a Jew to live. It has never been as easy as it is today to fulfill the mitzvot associated with the land. Living in Israel is no longer a far-off dream. It is well within reach of Jews worldwide
May we all merit to fulfill these mitzvot and experience the spiritual fulfillment that comes with living in the land of Israel.